Saturday, October 27, 2012

IRRELEVANT: Macky Art: Mermaids

Finished Product (AFTER)

I used Photoshop to color this out.

Here's the unedited version:


I used permanent markers and sharpies for the unedited version and shaded some areas with a normal mongol no.2 pencil. :)

I actually have another version where I used watercolors and white textile paint (I ran out of white watercolors, so I had to work with what I had haha)

Please comment below. :D
I'd love to hear what you think about it. :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Because I should be doing my IMC Project (and I don't really want to) and anything can distract me right now, I decided to post one of my art works.


It's a picture of my niece. I used a normal mongol no. 2 pencil. I did this last summer when I saw her picture and I just fell in love with how adorable she is. haha.

Tell me what you guys think. :)